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The Lake Stewards of Maine list the following fish species as present in Keoka Lake:
American Eel Anguilla Rostrata
Banded Killfish Fundulus Diaphanus
Brook Trout Salvelinus Fontinalis
Brown Bullhead Ameiurus Nebulosu
Chain Pickerel Esox Niger
Common Shiner Luxilus Cornutus
Golden Shiner Notemigonus Crysoleucas
Landlocked Salmon Salmo Salar
Largemouth Bass Micropterus Salmoides
Pumpkinseed Lepomis Gibbosus
Rainbow Smelt Osmerus Mordax
Smallmouth Base Micropterus Dolomieu
White Perch Morone Americana
White Sucker Catostomus Commersoni
Yellow Perch Perca Flavescens
The most frequently caught species are largemouth bass, brook trout, and smalllmouth bass.

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