Meet Our Members

Membership in KLA is open to anyone - not just owners of lake front property. The map above shows the names of properties around the lake. To become a KLA member click here. For a downloadable shore owners map click here.
KLA Board Members

Current Board Members
As required by the Bylaws, the Board of Directors has nominated candidates to serve on the board and as officers of KLA. These nominations are voted on at the Annual Meeting of the Members. Additional nominations may be received from Active Members at the Annual Meeting.
Board members serve for three-year terms. Officers are elected annually to serve one-year terms. Below are the nominations and a list of those continuing to serve. All are incumbents except there are two newly nominated board members. A brief biography of each new board member is below,
Nominations to serve for 2023-2026
Ginger Eaton
Jim Flynn
Tom Hammett
Bill Robichaud
Elizabeth “Liz Stockwell (NEW)
Kim Struck
Nomination to serve for 2023-2025
Riley Hasson (NEW) To serve the balance of an unexpired term
Continuing to Serve for 2022-2025
T’ing T’ing Doerr
Brenda Hambleton
Arne Klepinger
Al Struck
Continuing to Serve for 2021-2024
Joanne Eaton
Richard Orr
Andy Tabor
Charlie Tarbell
Melissa Tarbell
Nominations to serve for 2023-2024
Richard Orr, President
Brenda Hambleton, Vice President
Elizabeth “Liz” Stockwell, Treasurer (NEW)
Riley Hasson, Secretary (NEW)

Jonathan Hasson - Vice President
Jonathan and his wife Doss will become full time Waterford residents this year. Jonathan started his Maine journey in high school as a summer intern at the Jackson Lab in Bar Harbor. He has been coming to Waterford with
Doss for 45 years. He graduated from RPI and Albany Med, did surgical residency at NYU in New York and Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago, and did a vascular surgery fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital. In
2015 he earned an MBA at Yale School of Management and was the class marshal. He has been on the faculty of the Harvard Medical School, University of Wisconsin, Quinnipiac Medical School, and most recently at
UCONN School of Medicine. He is currently a regional medical director at United HealthCare and Optum.
He has a commitment to public service and was an LTC in the US Army Medical Corps, a NC state medical examiner, and a CT State Police Surgeon. He also is on a trauma and critical care team for the Department of Homeland Security, and is a member of the Waterford Fire Department. He spends his off hours with ham radio, tying fishing flies, sewing, painting with oils and watercolor, and tinkering with vintage mechanical sewing

Liz Stockwell - Treasurer
Liz reports it was love at first sight with Keoka Lake, when she first set foot on the Stockwell/Eaton/Tarbell “compound” with her then-boyfriend (now husband) Ben Stockwell in 1998. Liz and Ben met at Colby College, where they were both economics majors. Liz earned her MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, and then spent eight years in the pharmaceutical/biotech marketing and consulting world. After a brief stay-at-home-mom hiatus, she became a financial advisor, and is currently running a financial services firm in South Portland with her father. Liz and Ben live in Scarborough with their two teenage sons, Ethan and Adam. Liz likes to run (the Waterford Fall Foliage Road Race is a favorite!), ski, hike, garden, and enjoy the great Maine outdoors. She is passionate about preserving Keoka Lake for her sons and the generations that follow.

T'ing Doore
T'ing Doore visited her grandparents George and Margaret Doore in Waterford both summer and winter throughout their lives, learned to swim at the Town Beach, and moved to Waterford year-round in 2020.

Riley Hasson - Secretary
Riley Hasson is in the 4th generation on Keoka. Her great, great grandfather was the town doctor, Dr. Wilson. Riley has been coming to Waterford with her parents, Doss and Jonathan Hasson, since she was born. She attended Camp Encore/Coda in Sweden, ME throughout middle and high school. She graduated from the University of Connecticut in 2016 with a degree in political science, after which she served two years with AmeriCorps in Bridgeport, CT. She then spent four years in the nonprofit-education space. She currently lives in New York City where she works in talent acquisition. She is an avid runner and reader. You will most likely find her reading a great book on the back porch overlooking the lake, or on a run around the lake loop!

RETIRED - Rich Orr
My family roots in Keoka and this area run deep. In the late 1700s my ancestor Eli Longley established an Inn in Waterford. In the 1800s, my grandfather bought a hardware business in Norway and named it “LM Longley & Son." In the mid-1900s, my parents bought land on the north shore of Keoka and later put up a camp. My wife, Cindy Courtney, and I have been coming here together since the 1970s. In 2008, we bought the camp next door from Marian Morse. Our two adult children and three grandchildren join us when they can.
I retired in 2019 from the University of Connecticut where I had been Vice President and General Counsel. Prior to that I was in private practice doing commercial litigation with a national firm in Washington DC, and later with a regional firm in Connecticut. I was also General Counsel of an Architecture and Engineering firm. My professional public service has included prosecuting street crime in Washington DC, prosecuting corrupt public officials for the US Department of Justice, and serving as counsel to the Speaker of the House of Representatives in Connecticut,
In addition to KLA, I am on the Board of Connecticut Legal Services and previously was on the Board of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation in Connecticut.

Charlie Tarbell
I grew up, summers, on Keoka Lake in Waterford. I received a BA in Economics from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. I also earned a Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. After a 30-year career in economic consulting, strategic planning, and corporate finance in Boston, Portland, Maine, and San Francisco, I again live on Keoka Lake. I spent 25 years volunteering for the Maine Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, serving twice as Board Chair. I have been President of the Keoka Lake Association for 15 years, serve on the Waterford Planning Board, volunteer for the Waterford Library and the Alan Day Community Garden in Norway.

RETIRED - Dan Treadwell
I married into Keoka lake. The first time I saw Keoka, or Maine for that matter, was on my honeymoon in 1982. My wife’s (Priscilla Orr Treadwell) family had owned a small piece of land on Keoka since the 1950s and put up an L.C. Andrew pre-fab log cabin in 1968. As Priscilla and I pulled down the driveway into the camp on our honeymoon trip, I couldn’t believe my eyes and felt (as I have ever since) that I’d come home.
As the story goes for many of us with property on the lake, the camp came down through the family and we’ve worked hard to maintain and improve our spot for many years. Now that we’re retired, we feel that it’s time to give back to the lake, and our community as well. I serve on the Board as Treasurer and Priscilla contributes on many levels including the KLA newsletter and with the Lake Smart program. We’re grateful for our irreplaceable spot on this beautiful lake.
In my business career I held several roles with a financial focus – starting as a bank teller during my college years, and eventually evolving into CFO roles for three employers before beginning my own management consulting firm. I feel fortunate to be able to use my skills in support of the Keoka Lake Association.

Kim Struck
My grandparents, the Bucherts (mom's parents) had a cabin on the lake, which I inherited 10 years ago. I grew up in Waterford every summer and school vacation plus whenever I could convince mom to meet grandma halfway. I traveled and went to school out of state but always landed home here in Waterford.
I'm an outdoors woman. I have a close knit group of friends and spend my summers visiting porches in town. I have a dog, Henri, who won't stay out of the brook. I lead the 4th of July parade every year and break ranks to hug people while marching down Main Street!

RETIRED - Ginny Raymond
I grew up swimming in Keoka, primarily at Town Beach and School House Beach until about 1952, when my parents bought property on the South side of Keoka where we now have a cabin. I always thought that no other lake was as wonderful as Keoka. My thoughts today have not altered! Love Keoka!
My family history goes back to the Revolutionary War, as my forebear was given a Waterford land grant for fighting in that war. My mother, Virginia Tyler, was born in the Library building, and my grandmother grew up on the Millett farm on Plummer Hill. Having lived in the Library apartment, and the apartment above Rounds' store, in 1949 my grandparents (Urban and Blanch Tyler) bought the farm on Kedar Brook, now called One Ministers Hill, at the corner of Routes 35 and 37. Denny and I inherited this property in 1995, and lived there until recently. We sold and moved to Hubbard Trail on the east side of Keoka.
My Dad (Chapin Cutler) worked for Bell Labs, and was in a position to be able to bring his work to Waterford as we vacationed at my grandparents' farm. My Dad was active in KLA and served as President.
We were here a lot! I told people that I lived in Waterford but went to school in New Jersey. As proof of my residency, I have a school picture in the town history book the year my parents traveled to Europe.
Besides our home on Hubbard Trail, Denny and I own the property (mentioned above) on the south side of Keoka, once called Little Marshmallow Beach. It is the second beach east of the KBCG and is known for the large rock that sits near the beach edge. It’s our little piece of heaven.

Ginger Eaton
Like so many others, I foster a lifelong love and commitment to Keoka Lake. By good fortune, my grandmother first came to Waterford in 1914. In the 1950s my grandparents purchased a Keoka lakefront property, which over the years has continued to grow in acreage and occupancy. In 1971, my mother, Martha (Stockwell) Eaton became one of the founding KLA Board members, and served as treasurer for 19 years. KLA hosts an annual education event with the goal of reaching out to our community -- young and old, newcomers and longtime residents -- in our efforts to inform, educate, and help protect Keoka Lake along with its wildlife residents for all the years to come. Recently, our events have been held at various Waterford locations including Town Beach, Keoka Beach Campground, and Good Health is a Habit Fitness Studio.
During the winter months, I teach Visual and Media Arts for the Ipswich, Massachusetts Public School System. In my 20-year career I have taught many
Interdisciplinary/STEAM projects that continue to benefit my work as KLA Education Liaison.

Andy Tabor
We purchased our first Waterford property (Map 22, Lot 10, now 95 Woodland Trail) in 1965, had a large Army tent on a platform in 1966, and then built our cottage in 1967. We subsequently added property behind us (Map 22, Lot 11) reaching back to Passaconaway Road, and then the lot to the east (Map 22, Lot 4). In 1965/66, we also became a member family of the Stone’s Cove Beach Association (Map 22, Lot 1). My father, Jim, was a founding member of both KLA & LEA. I have served on the KLA board since his “retirement” from it. I share ownership of our Keoka properties with my sister, Gretchen Tabor Heath.

Al Struck
As a couple, my wife Jean and I have been coming to Keoka since 1969. We have lived permanently in Waterford since 2005 at the “Kedr Brook Cottage” on the corner of 35 and 37, next to the brook where the Duck Race Ends on the 4th of July.
My wife and I helped build the “A” frame on Amy Trail the same year we came up here for our honeymoon, 1969.
I came to sailing in my thirties and have been hooked ever since. I initiated the “Bud Lazott Memorial Regatta," to honor one of the founders of the Keoka Regatta, seven years ago. This year we inaugurated the KLA Camp Cup to encourage young sailors to come out and enjoy the thrill of moving over water using only the wind and your wits.

Brenda Hambleton - President
I grew up in Maine. My parents moved to NH after I left for college. We bought our place at 6 Winding Trail in 1998, and it smelled like home. For many years we came up mostly on summer weekends, arriving late Friday night and leaving Sunday. Our four kids spent hours bouncing on the trampoline and kayaking around the lake. We did not meet many people during the years we were busy with the kids.
Now that we are retired, we spend as much time as we can in the summer and come up all year round. Our four, grown children are now enjoying coming up with their friends. They still bounce on the trampoline and kayak around the lake. We cruise around slowly in our 1971 Boston Whaler.
Our discovery of the interesting people in Waterford has been one of the joys of our retirement. Keoka not only smells like home; it now feels like home.

Melissa Tarbell
I am a lifelong lover of Keoka Lake. I am lucky enough to be a member of a large and incredible extended family that has been spending their summers on Keoka for generations. I grew up in Cape Elizabeth, ME, but Waterford has always felt like a second home. My parents moved to Waterford in 2012, and I am grateful to be able to visit year round.
I received my B.A. from UNH, and spent a number of years working for educational non-profits and youth programs in California and Boston. I am now a Licensed Massage Therapist, based on the New Hampshire Seacoast, with a monthly 3-day residency in Waterford. I’m honored to be able to contribute to this community.